16th October 2024

Search Yardley Hastings Parish Council

Yardley Hastings Parish Council Serving the people of Yardley Hastings


Yardley Hastings Recreational Sports Area Presentation at The Memorial Hall

This will be taking place on Saturday 28th September and Sunday 29th September
Open both days from 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm
An invitation has been delivered to every house in the village.

Posted: Tue, 24 Sep 2024

Tags: Newsletters

Consultation on the WNC's draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan

The WNC is seeking the views of local residents on its new draft West Northamptonshire Local Transport Plan, which sets out its vision on maintaining and improving all aspects of local transport up to 2045.
Please read the Overview on the WNC's website, which sets out the rationale behind this initiative, contains links to various supporting documents, and gives details of a number of drop-in sessions... Read More »

Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024

Tags: Newsletters

Consultation on the WNC's draft West Northamptonshire Parks Development Strategy

The WNC is seeking the views of local residents on its new draft Parks Development Strategy.
You can read an overview of the draft strategy before responding by completing the WNC's survey.

Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024

Tags: Newsletters

Consultation on the WNC's draft Tenancy Strategy

The WNC is seeking the views of local residents on its new draft Tenancy Strategy.
You can read an overview of the draft strategy before responding by completing the WNC's survey.

Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024

Tags: Newsletters

Consultation on the draft West Northants Carer Strategy 2024-29

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) are asking for local carers or someone supporting a carer to share their views and feedback on the newly drafted five-year Carer Strategy. The WNC have published an online consultation survey which is open until Thursday 30th May.

Posted: Thu, 9 May 2024

Tags: Newsletters

Notice of Councillor Vacancy

Following the resignation of Max Cooke from the Council a casual vacancy has now occurred, and the Council is now required to co-opt a person to fill the vacancy as soon as practicable. If you are interested please apply to the Clerk (contact details below).

Posted: Fri, 15 Dec 2023

Tags: Newsletters

Stagecoach 41 Bus Service - New timetable

Stagecoach have responded to public pressure and have reinstated a number of journeys during the middle of the day. Here is the new timetable.
There is currently a £2.00 fare cap on all journeys, and we are encouraged to "use it or lose it".

Posted: Mon, 12 Jun 2023

Tags: Newsletters

Changes to the 41 Bus timetable

The Parish Council have received the following communication from Milton Keynes City Council:

"Stagecoach East have registered an extended timetable to take effect from Monday 5th June. The revised service will operate every two hours each way between Bedford and Northampton, via Olney and Yardley Hastings, Monday to Saturday, with a slightly enhanced frequency across the morning peak. Details of the... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 17 May 2023

Tags: Newsletters

Planting for the "Queen's Green Canopy"

The Parish Council are pleased to announce that we have planted fifteen Field Maple saplings as our contribution to the current tree planting initiative under the banner of "The Queen's Green Canopy". Our planting has been registered on the QGC website and a photo of it has been uploaded and pinned to the map.


Posted: Wed, 27 Apr 2022

Tags: Newsletters

Grendon Brook - Maintenance by the Environment Agency

Residents will have observed the maintenance work recently carried out on the banks of the brook by contractors employed by the Environment Agency. Following this work the Parish Council sought an assurance from the EA that they were satisfied with the work that their contractors had carried out, and in reply the Environment Agency have forwarded their "Routine Maintenance Factsheet" which gives a... Read More »

Posted: Thu, 4 Nov 2021

Tags: Newsletters

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